Insurance Options
Glenn Dental is a proud in network provider for many PPO insurance plans! Depending on the insurance company, and how they are participating with Glenn Dental, the level of participation can change from time to time. If it is a PPO plan chances are we are in network but there are some that do not participate. If network participation is important to you just ask! We can let you know if we are in or out of network. Your insurance can still be used if we are out of network, it may change some aspects of how your insurance pays, but if they will pay in network they generally pay out of network fees as well. That way you are still able to see your favorite dentist and still use your insurance. We can let you know what our out of network fees are if we are out of network. Remember, as always (in network or out of network) final determination of insurance payment is made by the individual insurance company based on their contract agreements. They will make the final determination when the claim is submitted regarding eligibility and payment amounts.
We also accept Union insurance plans and coverage offered through the Veterans Administration!
Unfortunately, we are not enrolled in HMO or Denti-cal programs. If you are enrolled in these programs we can still see you, but it would have to be on a cash basis. Ask about our in house savings program and how it can get you access to Glenn Dental quality, at an affordable price!